Funtastic - The Scamble Bug™
A ride on toy that was designed to help children develop balancing, pushing and steering skills
Bayly teamed up with Funtastic and were tasked with designing a new ride-on toy aimed at children moving up from a baby walker product. The toy was required to be steered with just the feet and needed to be easy to manoeuvre and stable.
The Scramble Bug's initial concept development included an in-depth study into the ergonomics of toddlers to ensure it was suitable to all children through this essential transition in their early development. The concepts explored various means by which the unit could relate to young children and inevitably reflected their interest in the weird and natural. Following selection of the concept for development we prepared mock-ups for ergonomic assessment and spacial layout. The toy was then detailed using the latest CAD software taking into special consideration the use of materials required to stand up to the demands of young children. A prototype was produced to assist in proving and testing the the unit while assisting with the refinement of parts and components for tooling.